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1:1 Energy Work Intensive: One Week (2)

We will work together on dates + times.


Virtual Course

My 1:1 Energy Work Intensive is a space for clarity, becoming the vision, and shedding old programming so you can cross the threshold into your own beautiful light and life of purpose. These courses are crafted for energy workers or those who are interested in becoming an energy worker.

1:1 Energy Work Intensive: One Week  (2)
1:1 Energy Work Intensive: One Week  (2)

Time & Location

We will work together on dates + times.

Virtual Course

About the event

You are a Spiritual Leader, Boldly and Bravely Stepping Into Your Mission.

You are a way shower, shining the light, stepping into a new direction for your highest good and the highest good of all. You are here to serve with purpose, helping to lead and guide others along the path of awakening. You are THE glitch in the matrix, breaking free from limitations and stepping fully into your mission of service, all while feeling the freedom you have always desired fully embodied and connected to source-creator and completely aligned with your soul’s blueprint for this life. 

In this moment, you are being called forward to embody and activate your light to be initiated and anchored as a Lightworker. The time has come for you to shed old stories, programming, negative beliefs, and all that has been felt, seen, experienced as a roadblock. You are ready to take radical ownership…


  • Energy Work Pass

    +$37.50 service fee



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